This blog is an exploration of my unique experiences in life - Memoirs of my cherished memories for my friends, family and all well wishers. Feel free to leave your comments.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Off-trail hiking

Map of Ryugahana dam and Dam-apex

Dam-base and Jungle trail
I had been to a picnic in a group of four on last saturday to a mountainside near to my place. A little more than half-an hour ride by car led us to Ryugahana dam. We found the place had a 5km walking stretch (on road) around the river. We began to hike in the afternoon sun stopping in a small sidepath for having lunch. The scinitillating sceneries all around the walk-way was some good enjoying stuff in the wild. The midway of the stretch had a beautiful park (Jonkoro horiba) which added to our pleasure of off-trail hiking.

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