This blog is an exploration of my unique experiences in life - Memoirs of my cherished memories for my friends, family and all well wishers. Feel free to leave your comments.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Takes of the Week

The days seems to fly by as I realize it's already a week past since my previous post in the blog. Few things of interest do happened in this short period. I had a good discussion with Kobayashi-san about the new microPET (Hamamatsu SHR-41000) installed in our lab. He was kind enough to show me the basic operations of image capture window and reconstruction methodologies using the pc console. It was a necessity since there was no english manual currently available for the machine. The standardization was complete by the week and he informed me that I can perform the first mouse imaging on next week.
In this week's japanese lessons, I had a revision of "kanji" characters from two chapters (30 & 31) of Minna no nihongo 2. Though I tried to gobble up few of them before the actual class, it was a testing challenge for my visual memory. I feel that it is the most toughest task to recollect them even if you have observed them a few moments before. To be frank it is mental exertion at its peak!! However, at the end of day, I feel satisfied when I recognize the characters accidentally while I am out.
The week also brought a good news from my boss. I got a new post of Assistant Researcher since I am now in second grade of my doctoral program. It means I have to show up a job of 6hrs/week. Fortunately, it will be included in the already existing time schedule of my research work. So no more extras!!!
I also came to know that it costs nearly 23,000yen/FDG-PET scan with insurance cover in my University, an MRI scan as low as 5,000yen and that there are two PET facilities in Fukui...
Towards the end of week, boss came in and mentioned that a new Japanese Society of Molecular Imaging has been set up by a committee of 15 founding members and he is the key chairman of the society...also said that he worked hard for the past 6 months to make it happen...Amazing job!
Few other things too happened...had to finish here as i have to spare my time for other things..more next time....

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